Interactive Conversion Programs and Calculators
Here are a few practical calculators and converters where you can use real numbers to get the values needed.
- Calculate the Viscosity index of an oil when you know the viscosities at 40 ℃ and 100℃
- Calculate the oil viscosity at 100℃ when you only know the ISO viscosity (viscosity at 40℃) and the viscosity index.
- Calculate the actual viscosity in your equipment at operating temperature
- Calculate the viscosity of a mixture of two oils (note: you should only mix oils of the same brand and type)
- Calculate the percentage each of two oils needed to mix and obtain a given end viscosity
- Convert between Degrees API, specific gravity, kilos per liter or pounds per gallon
- Calculate the CFM needs of your engine
- Convert between English and Metric measuring systems, as well as fuel consumption and conversion of viscosity systems between cSt, SUS, Redwood y Engler.
- Graph the basic viscosity curves of any 4 oils from their data sheets or their data sheets and the calculators above when the sheets are incomplete.
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