This site documents the restoration process of the Renault Dauphine I purchased on April 27, 2011.
This car was originally imported from France. According to the body shop where I bought it, they have had it more than 20 years. In theory the engine was completely rebuilt before they received it and has less than 5 miles on it. After taking it apart I think it could have been 20 or so, but very few. There was quite a bit of soot on the pistons and valves, but it had a VW carburetor on it that may have made it run rich.
It took more than 9 years of off-and-on work while also building the Mini, but it finally reached the finish line. Finally titled and registered 11½ years after buying it.

Due to it being off the road for so long, it took 11 years and 6 months to get the title updated and new license plates issued.

It was not part of my original plan to have two projects running at once, so I've taken this home where I will play with it when I get a chance or am waiting on parts for the Mini. With it at home (in Tarija) I was able to do things as time permitted. I've rebuilt and installed the engine, transmission, differential, suspension and rear brakes, as well as polished the stainless trim for the front and rear windshields. We have also replaced the rusty frame and floor panels. It is now painted and assembled.
You can see the finished interior here, and the finished (except for logos) exterior here.
For details on restoring the stainless trim, check out this page.
And for making the lettering for the sides out of melted aluminum, click here.
If you have come here directly, you might want to check out the restoration of my 1960 Corvair, or some of my other projects over the years.
You might also want to check out my business site: Widman International SRL.